Crisis Fund - Greek Orthodox Retired Clergy Association

Archbishop Iakovos Crisis Fund

With the recent disasters, hurricanes in New Orleans, Florida and Texas, the fires in California, the Retired Clergy Association realized that there could be retired member priests affected, because there ware no resources where one could turn.

This is the reason the Crisis fund was established, so that one could turn to and receive immediately help, when their primary USA residence is destroyed.

This fund is available to any RCA retired member priest living in the USA  or widowed Presvytera of a retired member priest as an immediate help until government, church, civil agency, insurance, etc., can come to their aid.

This grant would be limited to a single one-time amount not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).

The criteria for this fund that would constitute a crisis are a National Disaster such as a Hurricane, a flood, a forest fire, an earthquake, etc.

To apply for this grant one must call immediately the chairman, Father Constantine Eliades, who in turn will contact his committee and if approved will then call the President to issue the check.

This grant program has been made possible through the generous contribution of two Brothers from Washington, DC. They prefer that their donation be anonymous. The RCA express its appreciation and acknowledgement of their gift making the Crisis Fund possible. 
